السبت، 25 أكتوبر 2014

The advantage of Jijel Post an to its natural beauty magician has a long history as one of the oldest cities of Algeria as it is because its inception to the time of the Phoenicians who solved them and they built the city Among the effects of the city the ASEAN region as well as the port of Ziama ** Shuba ** and the area of ​​Ras Beech Bjeemlh containing traces of Roman represented in pools carved on the stone in addition to the stacked stones dating back to the Roman period have been found in the region on the metal parts of a Roman coin and still need to research the area and archaeological explorations topography of many. Amazigh origins static Jijel Burberry associate them Ibn Khaldun to Fbalh weatherproofing Berber and have mingled elements of this tribe with arrivals from the east shall be so harmonious blend and homogeneous
The presence of Jijel, in a strategic place on the Mediterranean make it coveted for several conquer (Romans Vandals Albzntaan Genoese) until the arrival of the Arabs, bringing to the people of the region the message of Islam at the hands of Musa Bin Naseer has managed population Jijel Amazigh integration with Arab conquerors and thus created a blend culturally beautiful.
Remained Jijel through the ages coveted the occupiers until the alliance population with sailors brothers Turkish Baba mystic and Khairuddin Aftrdoa Spaniards from the city as well as other neighboring cities * Bejaia * and intensified efforts to build a naval fleet strong PMF of the liberation of Algeria * DC offline * and intensified the strength of this fleet in each contributed to the Mediterranean Sea and the population of Jijel in making maritime glory Algerian premium Ham where they are fighters and shipbuilders gained from the Turks and then distinctiveness characters remained to the present day Hedda private cookery, pastries and bread. After the collapse of the Fleet Marine Algerian battle Nfarin 1827 in Greece managed to France in 1830 of the occupation of Algeria suffered Jijel are other like other regions of Algeria to most types Alastdmar by the colonizer Faqamo several revolutions failed each time exposed tribal warrior to the extermination and expulsion to Gaaheb nearby mountains, a Maevsr that the majority of static state after independence were living in the rugged mountainous areas which eluded colonization reached as to the state of Jijel mandate of historical embraced the revolution and donated their sons' sacrifices for the independence of the glorious style: martyrs Kaaolh Tunisia, Zgbeb Mohammed, bin Misah al-Bashir and many others of the most important battles battle Wade molar Wayne liver rebels heavy losses to the occupier French

Source: City of Jijel tourist 


Ziama Mansouriah

Ziama Mansuriya a municipality Ziama Mansouriah, belonging to a regional department Ziama Mansouriah Jijel province.

Ziama Mansouriah coastal municipality and tourism primarily known beaches and a real demand by tourists from inside and outside the home. Characterized by a very important tourist facilities including hotels and beaches

The most important municipal beaches:

Beach :Red
Beach:Al malmesh
Beach :Alwalja
Beach :Marsidi
Caves curiosities
 Beach : Taza

Ziama Mansuriya available to the fishing port and which is considered the second most important resource for the municipality after the tourism sector where the precipitant employed by the inhabitants of the region, which contributed to the absorption of unemployment, is also the sardines, which brings fishing boats of the finest quality.


page facebook : (y) https://www.facebook.com/jijel.photo

السبت، 13 سبتمبر 2014

A tourist trip to the city of Jijel, Algeria bride

Today Aavetokat Perfume wander Číßă in Algeria, Jijel region exactly tourist Atfdilo Maaya bash Nkchwo beauty of this city
Jijel province occupies a strategic location in the northeast of the Dzaúrvhy sits on an area of ​​2.398 km 2
And overlooking the Mediterranean coastline Almtostabharit Imitdaly distance of 120 Kelm.tmtaz Bmanadhar unique freely and naturally
The most important thing distinguishes caves Ajeebahibzaama Mansouriet, which represents one of the most important monuments and tourist in Algeria
These caves increase her fame from one year to another nationally and internationally Hattaraf daily influx of visitors which is located west of the capital of Jijel 35 km have been discovered in 1917 by workers bridges and roads while they were hard-National Road No. 43 link between Jijel, Bejaia, which mediates the Corniche Djigely
One oddity of this cave containing forms Graybhmgesdh in nature across the world formed by the phenomenon of water leakage Alamtarmahmlh lime and mineral salts problem so cataclysms and stalagmite and various forms, including the Statue of Liberty to America and the World Cup Tower of Pisa Baitalyaksr Alkarimilin Moscow Buddha fish frozen utter majesty of God in Arabic. About this small city, and now I leave you with pictures of the cave and the city

There are several stunning views Bjeegel

It represents a view of the landscaped panel joins the mountain forests that are embellished with the sea, which stretches to the borders of the province of Bejaia.

Red Sea

And represents a gateway to this state charming, one of the finest beaches Algerian be mostly in the form of small bays.

Zayama Mansuriyya

Zayama Mansuriyya small town and beautiful, and the best of what the harbor is small, which leads to an island frequented by a lot of visitors in order to look forward to discover more of the secrets of nature
Cornish Jijel
scenery there.

Caves curiosities

The caves of strange sights in Jijel and is a natural caves there are breathtaking views and there in "Ziama." There beside the caves curiosities Old Bridge is an architectural masterpiece.

Navigational lighthouse:

And is sometimes called the lighthouse, the light tower is very strong, take the tool
Navigational help to guide sailors on their appointment, and explain to them that the land
Nearby, as warning of the rocks and coral rock dangerous.
Municipalities Jijel

Emir Abdelkader - Awlad winner - Awlad Askar - Awlad Yahya Khdroush
Aaracn Souissi --bodraah n Aadjiys - Tower of purity - Bouraoui Blhadf
Taksna --aljmah n Haba - Jijel - beautiful - a charity Wade Aajul
Ziama Mansouriet --alstarh - Salma n increase - Sidi Abdel Aziz--
Sidi Maarouf --aahna - ostracon - Taher - Element - Gbalh
Qaws --alguenar Nsfi - Almellih - and its committees

الخميس، 4 سبتمبر 2014

Tourism Video :beautiful beach in Algeria Jijel

Paradise above the earth


Jijel and coastal state located east of Algiers, the total length of its coastline of 120 km and is famous for its fabulous Cornish beauty combines sea and rocky mountains stretching to the borders of the province of Bejaia, and has the wonderful caves, of the most important cities of the state: Jijel, Almellih, Taher.omentqh Jimlh sub west of the state on the border with the states of Setif, Mila and away from the headquarters of the state to 39 km, a tourist area par excellence of the greenest and look for Avctin of its regions: the sender Bjradh Mahd Tamentot Avdols breached national road No. 77 and Almaml to be completed on its territory road project miracle aimed to connect the port Jngen the highway Bladhafah to contain the dam Tablot and Hoalokpr statewide and directed for irrigation area high plateaus through several pumps accomplished by Turkish companies and extends the connecting line at a distance of more than 100 km long and one of the most hosts: Ben Misah and Ayeb and Boukhris, Mirouh, Ben Paley, Moussaoui, Jacobean and occupies circle Jimlh position arguing within the state as a gateway state trend cities: Setif, 100 km Mila 45 km Ksentbna 100 km in addition to being a tank human to Aanill area Ta.na scenic and height as tall, which make them kiss for the rebels during the liberation revolution against French colonialism followed by brutal state headquarters 22 km mediated distance between the circle and Jimlh Jijel is located on national Road No. 77 is also the gateway to the mayor of Selma at a distance of 30 km. Of the most important Hawwadharha: Ahlgreana or thirty. 
Jijel province mandate of the coastal overlooking the Mediterranean Sea at an estimated distance of 120 km stretch of beach valley flowers Herquahdod Skikda to the beach Red west boundaries of the province of Bejaia is bordered to the south, the state of Mila and the state of Setif surface state mountain by 90 percent peppered plain along the sea in particular zones, Prince Abdul Kader and Alguenar and Sidi Abdel Aziz and the rest rugged mountains with dense vegetation consists mainly of oak trees and rice famous for its state Pkornischha magician who takes breathtaking and Yasser Fouad at a distance of more than 40 km by caves wonderful unique as the regions mountain very magnificence and the most important mountains Salma and the children's speech and Buavron and Tamentot and Bouazza and Tmezkidh


Tourism in Jijel

Ancient history, and the origin of the population of the state of Jijel Amazigh associate them Ibn Khaldun for weatherproofing Berber tribe, as one of the oldest cities of Algeria. Established due to the era of the Phoenicians who solved them and they built the city. 
The presence of Jijel, in a strategic place on the Mediterranean make it coveted for several conquer (Romans, Vandals, Albzntaan and Genoese) 
Among the effects of "the ASEAN region," Municipality of Jijel, Port "Shuba" Ziama Mansouriet municipality and the region, "the head of the beech" Municipality Jimlh which contains Roman ruins in the form of pools carved on the stone in addition to the stacked stones [4]. Was found in the region on the metal parts of a Roman coin, the region still need to research and archaeological explorations topography of many. 
Jijel through the ages has been coveted for the occupiers to the very population coalition with sailors brothers Baba Turkish mystic and Khairuddin [5] Aftrdoa Genoese [6] of the current mayor of the city of Jijel and some neighboring cities Kpjayh. Where intensified efforts to build a powerful naval fleet enabled them to liberate the capital Algiers, and intensified the strength of this fleet in all of the Mediterranean. And contributed to the population of the state of Jijel in making some glory Algerian sea, where they were from shipbuilders Bxtsabhm Turks characters distinctiveness remained to this day, especially the art of cooking and baking and pastry

السبت، 23 أغسطس 2014

Voyage de jijel

Located Jijel province in eastern Algeria, a coastal state is bordered on the north of the Mediterranean, south of the state and the state of Setif, Mila, from the east and from the west Skikda province of Bejaia.
Its coastline runs along 120 km of the beach and the valley flowers Skikda province, east to the shore of the Red Municipality Ziama Mansouriet west. The surface of a mountain state by 82% peppered plain along the sea, especially in municipalities Emir Abdelkader, Alguenar and Sidi Abdul Aziz. And the rest are rugged mountains with dense vegetation consists mainly of oak trees and rice.
Mountains of the most important state Salma Mountains, Brown's speech, Tavrtas, Buavron, Tamentot, Bouazza, Tmezkidh and Sedat, Qasiras which increases the height of all of them for a thousand meters. Also famous Jijel province Cornish runs at a distance of more than 40 km, by some limestone caves dubbed "strange caves"
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Jbgel Mediterranean climate of mild, wet winter and hot, dry summers
