الخميس، 4 سبتمبر 2014

Tourism in Jijel

Ancient history, and the origin of the population of the state of Jijel Amazigh associate them Ibn Khaldun for weatherproofing Berber tribe, as one of the oldest cities of Algeria. Established due to the era of the Phoenicians who solved them and they built the city. 
The presence of Jijel, in a strategic place on the Mediterranean make it coveted for several conquer (Romans, Vandals, Albzntaan and Genoese) 
Among the effects of "the ASEAN region," Municipality of Jijel, Port "Shuba" Ziama Mansouriet municipality and the region, "the head of the beech" Municipality Jimlh which contains Roman ruins in the form of pools carved on the stone in addition to the stacked stones [4]. Was found in the region on the metal parts of a Roman coin, the region still need to research and archaeological explorations topography of many. 
Jijel through the ages has been coveted for the occupiers to the very population coalition with sailors brothers Baba Turkish mystic and Khairuddin [5] Aftrdoa Genoese [6] of the current mayor of the city of Jijel and some neighboring cities Kpjayh. Where intensified efforts to build a powerful naval fleet enabled them to liberate the capital Algiers, and intensified the strength of this fleet in all of the Mediterranean. And contributed to the population of the state of Jijel in making some glory Algerian sea, where they were from shipbuilders Bxtsabhm Turks characters distinctiveness remained to this day, especially the art of cooking and baking and pastry

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